Bunker Fuel Oil Analysis Service
Fuel property bunkered at various ports in the world is not always uniform and off specification oil may be blended. Such oil may cause machinery components trouble.
In order to prevent such trouble, an effective solution is to confirm bunkered fuel oil property.
ClassNK Consulting Service Co., Ltd.(NKCS) offers Bunker Fuel Oil Analysis based on ISO8217 Standard and analysis report with effective advice.
Quick and diversified Analysis
Our laboratories are situated in Singapore and Houston, USA. Sampled oil is send to the nearest laboratory from ship and analysis report is provided quickly.
In addition of ISO8217 standard, the following additional test services are provided when request;
- Example of Additional Test Services;
- Asphaltene / FCA (Fuel Combustion Analyzer) / GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) / FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry) / TAN(Total Acid Number)/ Compatibility Test

How to apply

- ①Application from ship company to NKCS.
- ②Information about operation schedule to NKCS.
- ③Dispatching a sample kit etc. from the nearest NKCS laboratory to ship.
- ④Collecting oil sample by ship crew.
- ⑤Dispatching sampled oil from ship to the nearest NKCS laboratory in Singapore or Houston, USA.
- ⑥Analysis of sampled oil based on ISO8217 standard, etc.
- ⑦Providing analysis report with technical advice.
Analysis report is sent by e-mail or is reviewed website.
Brochure (Bunker Fuel Oil Analysis Service) [PDF:248KB]
E-Mail: consulting@classnkcs.co.jp