Training Course in Assistant to Coating Inspectors

The resolutions concerning Performance Standards for Protective Coatings (PSPC) for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships, cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers, etc. has been adopted by IMO and already entered into force. As required by PSPC, coating inspections must be carried out by the qualified coating inspectors certified to FROSIO* Level III, NACE Level 2 or equivalent as verified by the Administration. Due to huge volume of such inspections, IMO accepts use of “Assistant to Coating Inspectors” who supports/performs part of the inspections under the coating inspector’s supervision subject to be trained to the coating inspector’s satisfaction.
ClassNK Consulting Service Co., Ltd. (NKCS) provides Training Course in Assistant to Coating Inspectors to meet PSPC in conjunction with pH Value (Japan) Ltd., the FROSIO accredited training body in Japan.

The Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of Inspectors of Surface Treatment founded in Norway. The qualification of coating inspectors certified by FROSIO has been prevailed widely in Europe and Asia, and recognized worldwide as the international qualification in the field of coating and surface treatment.

Benefit to ensure the Assistants

Assistant to Coating Inspectors is able to support the qualified coating inspectors appropriately and effectively by performing part of coating inspections through ship construction process at site.
Improvement of occupational health and safety and quality management for organization would be encouraged by ensuring the Assistants. In addition, finally the reliability of stakeholders would be increased.

Contents of the Course

In two days course, we provide well balanced curriculum including lectures, group discussion, demonstration of measurement by using various equipment, Q&A session and so on. This course provided by us can be utilized as the training for less experienced staffs. We would issue the Certificate of Completion to successful candidates of the final exam conducted at the end of the course.

Well Experienced Lecturers

The training course is conducted by well experienced lecturers, i.e. Representative of pH VALUE (Japan) Ltd. as the FROSIO accredited training body, Representative of FROSIO in Asian region who has been engaged in coating industry for many years, and Lecturer with long experience in coating works on site of shipyards for many years.

 Brochure(Training Course in Assistant to Coating Inspectors) [PDF:116KB]

For more information about this service, please contact us at the following e-mail:

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